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How Aerospace Is Shaping the Future of Construction

You probably don’t associate aerospace with construction short of airports and control towers, but fortunately, some of the knowledge gained through aerospace is shaping the future of construction. It may seem like something from a science fiction movie, but the applications are all from the real world. Let’s see some of the advances in construction due to what was gleaned from aerospace research and data.

technology in construction in orlando flInnovation and the Future of Construction

A lesson to be learned from SpaceX is that the construction industry needs to be innovative. SpaceX has found ways to improve results while reducing costs. The constant improvement of reusable rockets has saved SpaceX money over time and increased profits. The costs keep dropping to fire a payload bearing rocket in space while providing a better product. The same forward thinking should be employed by all aspects of the construction industry.

Artificial Intelligence Applications in Construction 

The aerospace industry has embraced AI in using advanced simulation and modeling. The construction industry can use those same AI tools. Instead of modeling how much lift an aircraft has, a house can be modeled to see if it can withstand the high winds of a tornado or hurricane. The construction industry has begun to embrace modeling and uses applications known as Building Information Modeling (BIM). These programs allow architects to model all aspects of a construction project. From floorplans to what are the strongest, lightest, and most cost-effective materials. 

Aerial Imaging as a Tool of the Construction Industry

Drones and satellites can give a new perspective to architects and contractors alike. In the past at the start of a construction project there were any number of unknowns that lay in store for the general contractor and architect. Uneven ground or a dry pond might have been missed in a survey before but with the use of satellite imagery and drones a contractor can make sure that the ground is prepped and eliminate unknowns. 

Closed End Systems and the Future of the Construction Industry

The aerospace industry is one of the most efficient industries on Earth. Why? Because they are experts at using closed end systems to extend lifecycles of projects. In the not-too-distant future man will be able to travel to deep space because of recycling systems. Issues like food, water and energy can all be addressed through closed end system. In contrast to the aerospace industry the construction industry can be one of the most wasteful on earth. At the end of a project materials are often thrown in a dumpster rather than being harvested for future use. Some materials can be recycled while others can be taken to use in new construction materials, thus elevating some of the strain on the supply-chain. 

Another closed end system application is to recycle water. Water can be captured and treated for reuse and lower the demand for water; which will greatly benefit construction projects in areas where water is in short supply.

Sustainable Construction Services in Lakeland FL

Learning From Mistakes in Construction

SpaceX failed multiple times to land a reusable rocket on a barge. Time after time a rocket would land, teeter, and then fall over and explode into a fireball. With each rocket that failed to land, data was collected and applied until finally, the rocket was able to land on the barge. In construction, past mistakes can be studied to understand what happened and then make adjustments with each new project.

Let New Horizons Construction Services Believes in the Future

At New Horizons Construction Services, we believe in innovation and applying new methods for better results. If you have a construction project in the Orlando and Kissimmee areas, get in touch with us. We are a licensed, bonded, and insured general contractor. We will be happy to discuss your project and how we can help by applying the latest techniques and technology. If you are ready to get started, call us today.

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